Monday, August 07, 2006

Chilli Fiesta 2006 - Growing Tips

This lady from West Dean Gardens gave a 20 minute brief on how to grow chillies from seed. For the most part i had been doing the right thing. However, she recommended covering the sown seeds with vermiculite, which i had not done. She also suggested that i fertilise the plants from the very infant stages. Using Maxicrop at first, a balanced fertiliser during the middle stages and then regular tomato feed once the first flowers appear. Finally, as i had suspected she might say, the woman suggested that the growing tips are pinched out to create a bushier plant with more branches. This should also help the plant produce more and stronger fruit.

Chilli Fiesta 2006 - The Chillies 4

Hot Banana



Joe's Long Cayenne

Chilli Fiesta 2006 - The Chillies 3

Purple Tiger


Ring Of Fire

Giant Jalapeno Santiago

Chilli Fiesta 2006 - The Chillies 2

Early Jalepeno

Cayenne Long Thin

Dorset Naga

Whippet's Tail

Thai Dragon

Chilli Fiesta 2006 - The Chillies 1

There were apparently 240 varieties of chilli on display in the greenhouse exhibition. I managed to find many that I am growing and many more that I'd like to grow. Somehow i have to get my hands on the variety called Peter (my name). The pictures below and in the subsequent posts are all from the greenhouse at West Dean Gardens.

Black Hungarian

Bulgarian Carrot


Black Pearl

Chilli Fiesta 2006 - The Stalls

There were plenty of plants for sale. They cost £3.50 and were available in several varieties. However, most of the plants were a few weeks from maturity and had only green fruit.

The above two photos are of the stall run by Peppers By Post. These are the people who last year grew the world's hottest chilli, the Dorset Naga. Naturally, i bought some. See the blog for more.

There were also many stalls selling 'hot' food. This one sold tacos.

The poster for the Fiesta promised Chilli Paraphernalia. I think i found it!

Chilli Fiesta 2006 - The Tasting

Welcome to my pages from Chilli Fiesta 2006. Here you will find some photos and accounts of the Chilli Fiesta held at West Dean Gardens on 5-6th August 2006.

Chilli Cheese. This was quite a pleasant smoked cheddar with pieces of chilli in it. A bit mild for my liking, but a pleasant start to the free product tasting.

This stall was giving out samples of chilli chocolate fondue. I tried the Belgian dark chocolate. It was rich and smooth, but the bits of chilli tended to grind between my teeth. The warm aftertaste was nice, but didn't suit the chocolate well.Here Andy and Pete are tasting some hot chilli sauces.

Here I am tasting the "Hot as the Sun" sauce. Possibly the hottest sauce at the festival. I couldn't taste anything for about 5 minutes after.